“Errol Beauchamp’s mission is perhaps one of the most unique in abstract sculpture today. Through his work, he aims to create a window that looks out from the architectural world people live in to one that reveals the contrasting forms, details and surprises of our natural environment, and helps the viewer enjoy the beauty that exists therein.”
Layne Vanover,
Freelance Writer and Fine Art EditorSculpture of the Rockies, from the editors of Southwest Art

An invitation from the editors of Southwest Art magazine, to be included in their first hard bound book was a career defining moment. After submitting three images of my work, I learned that my first large outdoor installation was selected to be featured. The book created a conversational interview about my inspiration, challenges and surprises working on the commissioned six foot sculpture for a business park in Westminster, Colorado. “Embracing the Stream” was now in print.

Two book signing at Saks Gallery in Denver, and Evergreen Fine Art Gallery captured large crowds and overwhelming responses. Art collectors and enthusiast came from Hawaii, Orlando and across Colorado. One supporter did make a difference in bringing awareness to my fine art career.